Counties > Coryell

General Information

Population: 83,722
County Seat: Gatesville 76528
Square Mileage: 1,052

  800 E. Main St., Ste. A
  Gatesville, TX 76528
(254) 865-5911 x2221
(254) 865-2040
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Office Office Holder (254) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Roger Miller (254) 865-5911 x2222 / (254) 865-2040
District Attorney
  District 52
Dustin "Dusty" Boyd (254) 865-5911 x2267 / (254) 865-5147
County Attorney Brandon Belt (254) 248-3180 / (254) 865-9080
District Clerk Becky Moore (254) 865-5911 x2277 / (254) 865-5064
County Clerk Jennifer Newton (254) 865-5911 x2278 / (254) 865-8631
County Treasurer Randi McFarlin (254) 865-5911 x2225 / (254) 865-2180
Tax Assessor-Collector Justin Carothers (254) 865-5911 x2265 / (254) 865-2519
Sheriff Scott A. Williams (254) 865-7201 / (254) 865-7774
County Auditor Ben Roberts (254) 865-5911 x2223 / (254) 865-1355
Chief Appraiser Mitch Fast (254) 865-6593 / (254) 865-1280
Elections Administrator Justin Carothers (254) 248-3175 / (254) 865-2519
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Kyle Matthews (254) 206-0663 / (254) 865-2040
  Precinct 2 Scott Weddle (254) 223-1001 / (254) 865-2040
  Precinct 3 Ryan Basham (254) 865-4917 / (254) 865-2040
  Precinct 4 Keith Taylor (254) 679-9314 / (254) 865-2040
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
John Guinn (254) 547-5993 / (254) 547-6007
  Precinct 2 F. W. "Bill" Price (254) 547-6517 / (254) 547-6007
  Precinct 3 Jim Caldwell (254) 865-2912 / (254) 865-2978
  Precinct 4 Coy Latham (254) 865-5913 / (254) 865-2978
  Precinct 1
Guy Beveridge (254) 547-5993 / (254) 547-6007
  Precinct 2 Shawn Camp (254) 547-6517 / (254) 547-6007
  Precinct 3 Jimmy R. Daniel (254) 865-2912 / (254) 865-2978
  Precinct 4 Teddy Brock (254) 865-5913 / (254) 865-2978