Steve Radack
Last modified on: 01-18-2010 16:32:53
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Commissioner Radack has announced he will not run for reelection in 2020.
After 11 years with the Houston Police Department and a four-year term as the Harris County Precinct 5 Constable, Steve Radack was first elected Commissioner of Precinct Three in 1988. Voters have reelected him five times.
During his more than 20 years as a member of Commissioners Court, Steve Radack has pushed for greater efficiency at all levels of local government by supporting programs aimed at promoting the intelligent use of taxpayer dollars. He has also emphasized privatization throughout county government and been an outspoken advocate of meeting the personnel and equipment needs of law enforcement agencies.
In addition to his role as a county policymaker, which has given him a voice in regional health, transportation and technology issues, Commissioner Radack has also focused on enhancing the quality of life in Precinct Three through the aggressive development of parks, an environmentally-friendly network of hike and bike trails and programs for senior citizens.
Precinct Three encompasses 464 square miles and has more than 1,000,000 residents. It is one of the fastest growing and most diverse areas in the region, containing both large segments of rural agricultural land and densely populated pockets of urban growth.
Commissioner Radack has worked to keep pace with that growth by continually improving Precinct Three’s infrastructure and participating in regional transportation initiatives aimed at bettering mobility. He has also done so with an eye toward protecting the environment. In 1993, Commissioner Radack created the Harris County Environmental Enforcement Division, a special unit that combats illegal dumping and other environmental crimes committed in Precinct Three.
Commissioner Radack and his wife, Sherry, have four sons. They attend St. Theresa’s Catholic Church.