Jerry Adelman

Last modified on: 05-07-2024 08:31:35

(Lavaca-Navidad River Authority)

Entered Office: 05-22-2011 Term Ends: 05-01-2026

General Information

Home Town: Palacios

Personal Information

Jerry Adelman of Palacios is retired and is a community volunteer. He is past president and board member of the Jackson County Hospital District and a member of the American Radio Relay League, Sheriffs Association of Texas, and the American Legion. In addition, he is a volunteer with the Palacios Food Pantry and a member and Elder chair of the Carancahua Chapel. He served as a U.S. Army signal officer during the Vietnam War and received an honorable discharge in 1970. Adelman received a Bachelor of Science in administration from Panhandle State University in Goodwell, Oklahoma.