Thomas Halbouty

Last modified on: 12-26-2019 12:47:29

Board Member
(Workforce Investment Council, Texas)

Entered Office: 2013 Term Ends: 09-01-2025

General Information

Home Town: Southlake

Personal Information

Tom Halbouty of Southlake currently serves as an advisor to Builders Venture Capital, where he reviews technology innovation and related investments. He serves on the Cockrell School of Engineering Board of Advisors at The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to retirement, he was responsible for technology, innovation and business consulting for a large energy Company. He also vice-chaired Energistics, a global standards board for the energy sector. He also advised on national competitive issues with the Council on Competitiveness based in Washington, D.C. Halbouty received a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Houston and a Masters of Business Administration from the University of Dallas. Tom was first appointed to the Workforce Investment Council in 2013. Reappointed 12/19.