Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Emergency Communications, Commission on State*

12 Members: 9 Appointed Commissioners - 6 Years; 3 Ex Officio Commissioners

General Information

Agency #: 477 1801 Congress Ave.Suite 11.100Austin 78701


Office Office Holder Represents / Term Ends
Chair James Beauchamp Speaker's Appointee, 09-01-2025
Commissioner(s) Sue Brannon Lt. Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2023
Lucille Maes, LP Speakers's Appointee, 01-01-2025
Bobbie J. Mitchell Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2029
Richard Muscat Lt. Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2027
Clinton Sawyer Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2025
Cathy Skurow Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2029
Larry L. "Chip" VanSteenberg Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2027
Von Washington, Sr. Governor's Appointee, 09-01-2027
Ex Officio Member(s) Connie Corona Public Utility Commission
Wayne Egeler Department of Information Resources
Jeff Hoogheem Department of State Health Services


Office Office Holder Phone / Fax
Executive Director Andrew Friedrichs (512) 963-9564
General Counsel Patrick Tyler (512) 964-0162
Chief Financial Officer Lorrain Meek (512) 968-8226
Director of Programs Heather Barnes (512) 969-0740
Director of Contracting and Purchasing Noah Gilliam (512) 979-2013
Director of Information Technology Grace Ruwwe (512) 969-0429
Human Resources Manager Stacey Walker (512) 977-8742


The commission helps cities, counties, regional planning commissions and emergency communication districts implement and maintain enhanced 9-1-1 emergency communications; and administers the statewide poison control and prevention program through six regional poison control centers.

* Subject to the Texas Sunset Act; will be reviewed in 2029.