Cities > Livingston

General Information

Counties: Polk  
Population: 5,829
Primary Zip Code: 77351

  200 West Church
  Livingston, TX 77351
(936) 327-4311
(936) 327-7608
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Office Office Holder (936) Phone / Fax
Mayor Judy B. Cochran (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Mayor Pro Tem Alan Cook (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Alderman Elgin Davis (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Alderman Bobby Charles Jackson, Sr. (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Alderman Ray Luna (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
City Manager Billy S. Wiggins (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Assistant City Manager Ellie Monteaux (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
City Secretary Ellie Monteaux (936) 327-4311 / (936) 327-7608
Purchasing Agent Billy S. Wiggins (936) 327-4311
City Attorney Scott Ferguson (936) 327-4311
Chief of Police Matt Parrish (936) 327-3117 / (936) 327-8476