Counties > Live Oak

General Information

Population: 11,732
County Seat: George West 78022
Square Mileage: 1,036

  P.O. Box 487
  George West, TX 78022
(361) 449-2733
(361) 449-3155
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Office Office Holder (361) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable James L. Liska (361) 449-2733 x1002 / (361) 449-3155
District Attorney
  District 156
Tiffany McWilliams (361) 358-1550 / (361) 358-0505
County Attorney Robert McWilliams (361) 449-2733 x1025 / (361) 449-9488
District Clerk Melanie Matkin (361) 449-2733 x1047 / (361) 449-2992
County Clerk Donna Vanway (361) 449-2733 / (361) 449-1616
County Treasurer Kitley Moffatt-Wasicek (361) 449-8027 / (361) 449-3626
Tax Assessor-Collector Deanna Atkinson (361) 449-2733 x6 / (361) 449-3068
Sheriff Larry R. Busby (361) 449-2271 / (361) 449-3035
County Auditor Regina Dove (361) 449-2733 / (361) 449-3626
Chief Appraiser Debra D. Morin, RPA, RTA, CCA (361) 449-2641 / (361) 449-2774
Elections Administrator Donna Vanway
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Richard Lee (361) 449-2733 x1002 / (361) 449-3155
  Precinct 2 Randy H. Kopplin (361) 449-2733 x1002 / (361) 449-3155
  Precinct 3 Mitchell Williams (361) 449-2733 x1002 / (361) 449-3155
  Precinct 4 Lucio Morin (361) 449-2733 x1022 / (361) 449-3155
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Elizabeth Ellis (361) 449-8046 / (361) 449-1156
  Precinct 2 Geneva G. Garcia (361) 449-8062 / (361) 449-8045
  Precinct 3 Donnie Watkins (361) 449-8015 / (361) 449-3064
  Precinct 4 Robert Baker (361) 449-8054 / (361) 449-3258
  Precinct 1
Wesley Kyle Gray (361) 449-2271 / (361) 449-3035
  Precinct 2 Vance Roberts (361) 449-2271 / (361) 449-3035
  Precinct 3 Hector Valverde (361) 449-2271 / (361) 449-3035
  Precinct 4 Joey Rodriguez (361) 449-2271 / (361) 449-3035