Counties > Tom Green

General Information

Population: 123,915
County Seat: San Angelo 76903
Square Mileage: 1,522

113 W. Beauregard Street
San Angelo, TX 76903
(325) 653-3318
(325) 659-3258
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Office Office Holder (325) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Lane Carter (325) 653-3318 / (325) 659-3258
District Attorney:
  District 51
The Honorable Allison Palmer (325) 659-6583 / (325) 658-6831
  District 119 The Honorable John Best (325) 659-6583 / (325) 658-6831
County Attorney Chris Taylor (325) 659-6562 / (325) 655-6430
District Clerk Anthony Monico (325) 659-6579 / (325) 659-3241
County Clerk Christina "Liz" Ubando (325) 659-6553 / (325) 659-3251
County Treasurer Dianna Spieker (325) 659-6520 / (325) 659-6440
Tax Assessor-Collector Becky Robles (325) 659-6529 / (325) 655-3450
Sheriff J. Nick Hanna (325) 655-8111 / (325) 655-5393
County Auditor Mr. Nathan Cradduck (325) 659-6521 / (325) 658-6703
Chief Appraiser Bill Benson (325) 658-5575 / (325) 657-8197
Elections Administrator Vona Hudson (325) 659-6541 / (325) 657-9226
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Ralph Hoelscher (325) 659-6511 / (325) 659-5441
  Precinct 2 Sammy Farmer (325) 659-6512 / (325) 659-5441
  Precinct 3 Rick Bacon (325) 659-6513 / (325) 659-5441
  Precinct 4 Shawn Nanny (325) 659-6514 / (325) 659-5441
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
Susan Werner (325) 659-6444 / (325) 659-6459
  Precinct 2 Thomas Daniel (325) 949-2415 / (325) 949-5706
  Precinct 3 Stacye Speck (325) 657-9922 / (325) 657-0162
  Precinct 4 Eddie Howard (325) 659-6424 / (325) 659-6418
  Precinct 1
Mike Magee (325) 659-6442
  Precinct 2 Deen Dickson (325) 949-2416
  Precinct 3 Mark A. Whitaker (325) 653-5232 / (325) 657-0162
  Precinct 4 Randy Harris (325) 340-3485 / (325) 659-6418