Counties > Fort Bend

General Information

Population: 911,893
County Seat: Richmond 77469
Square Mileage: 862

  301 Jackson St.
  Richmond, TX 77469
(281) 342-3411
(281) 341-8609
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Office Office Holder (281) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable KP George (281) 341-8606 / (281) 341-8609
District Attorney
  District 268
Brian M. Middleton (281) 341-4460 / (281) 341-4440
County Attorney Bridgette Smith-Lawson (281) 341-4555 / (281) 344-3928
District Clerk Beverley McGrew Walker (281) 341-4509 / (281) 341-4519
County Clerk Laura Richard (281) 341-8685 / (281) 341-8697
County Treasurer William "Bill" Rickert (281) 341-3750 / (281) 341-3757
Tax Assessor-Collector Carmen Turner (281) 341-3710
f: (832) 471-1830
Sheriff Eric Fagan (281) 341-4700 / (281) 471-2475
County Auditor Ed Sturdivant (281) 341-3760 / (281) 341-3774
Chief Appraiser Glen Whitehead (281) 344-8623 / (281) 344-8632
Elections Administrator John W. Oldham (281) 341-8670 / (281) 341-4418
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Vincent Morales, Jr. (281) 344-9400 / (281) 342-0587
  Precinct 2 Grady Prestage (281) 403-8000 / (281) 403-8009
  Precinct 3 W.A. "Andy" Meyers (281) 238-1403 / (281) 238-1401
  Precinct 4 Dexter L. McCoy (281) 980-2235
f: (832) 471-1841
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1 Pl. 1
Kelly N. Crow (281) 238-1460
f: (832) 471-1870
  Precinct 1 Pl. 2 Tricia Krenek (281) 341-3742 / (281) 341-3746
  Precinct 2 Roderick C. Garner (281) 403-8080 / (281) 403-8089
  Precinct 2 Pl. 2 Japaula Kemp
  Precinct 3 Sonia Rash (281) 491-6016 / (281) 242-2706
  Precinct 4 Keisha Smith (832) 471-2550
f: (281) 471-1859
  Precinct 1
Chad Norvell (281) 238-1430 / (281) 238-1431
  Precinct 2 Daryl L. Smith, Sr. (281) 403-8010 / (281) 403-8027
  Precinct 3 Ali Sheikhani (281) 242-4014
f: (832) 471-1840
  Precinct 4 Patrick Quincy (281) 341-4536 / (281) 341-4545