Dain Johnson

Last modified on: 02-28-2014 14:00:01


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Dain Johnson is the Justice of the Peace for Precinct One, Williamson County, Texas. He was born on September 11, 1972 in Austin, Texas to Travis and Gundy Johnson.

He is a life-long resident of precinct one, an Eagle Scout, a member of Palm Valley Lutheran Church, and a graduate of Concordia Lutheran College. Judge Johnson is the second generation of Johnson's to hold elected office in Williamson County; both grandparents were JPs. His grandfather held the position from 1967 until his death in 1972, and then his grandmother took over from 1972 until her retirement in 1982.

Having attended public school in Round Rock, Judge Johnson graduated from Round Rock High School in 1990. He received his Bachelor of Business Administration from Concordia Lutheran College, in 1994, and completed a secondary major in English in 1995.

During the last year of college, Judge Johnson worked for Williamson County Juvenile Services dealing with young men and women who were incarcerated and pending action in the Juvenile Court. In 1995, he was hired full-time and was transferred to the Court Intake Section dealing with the adjudicated youth in the Juvenile Court System. From 1994 until 2003, his primary responsibility was to recommend to the Juvenile Court what action would be both in the best interest of the public and the child.

Judge Johnson is currently enrolled in the National Judicial College’s Dispute Resolution and Specialty Courts program.

The Justice Court has jurisdiction over all “class C” misdemeanors – fineable offenses only, truancy cases, civil law suits up to $10,000, evictions, acting coroner for all unattended deaths, and witness to wedding contracts.