The Honorable Carolyn Wright (R)

Last modified on: 06-02-2016 13:18:47


General Information

Birthdate: 09-27-1946 Spouse: Jim Sanders

Personal Information

Wright served as an associate justice of the Fifth District Court of Appeals, for fourteen years. She is a member of the State Bar of Texas, American Bar Association Judicial Section, National Bar Association Judicial Council, Dallas Bar Association, J.L. Turner Legal Association, and College of the State Bar of Texas. She is past chair and a sustaining life fellow of the Texas Bar Foundation, a founding life fellow of the Dallas Young Lawyers Bar Foundation, fellow of the Dallas Bar Foundation, and a member of the Executive Women of Dallas, the Dallas Chapter of Links Inc., and the Jordan Community Development Center Board. Wright received a bachelor’s degree from the District of Columbia Teachers College and a law degree from Howard University School of Law. She is the first African American to serve as chief justice of any intermediate appellate court in Texas.