The Honorable Christi Craddick (R)

Last modified on: 11-07-2024 20:52:51

(Railroad Commission of Texas)

Entered Office: 12-17-2012 Term Ends: 12-31-2028

General Information

Personal Information

Craddick received a bachelor's degree and a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin.

A native of Midland, Christi Craddick earned both her Bachelor’s Degree as a Plan II graduate and her Doctorate of Jurisprudence from The University of Texas at Austin.
During her career as an attorney, she specialized in oil and gas, water, tax issues, electric deregulation and environmental policy. As president of a grassroots advocacy firm, she took the lead on work in coalition building in the public policy arena and development and implementation of issue strategies.
Raised in a strong conservative household, retained as legal counsel by prominent Texas firms, and shaped by more than a decade as a trusted political adviser, Craddick has set a clear standard of integrity, self-reliance and innovation in her role as Commissioner at the Railroad Commission of Texas. In 2015, she was appointed to serve as the Governor’s Designee on Southern States Energy Board.

Contact and Phone Numbers

P.O. Box 12967
Austin, TX 78711-2967
(512) 463-7140
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Office Office Holder Phone / Fax
Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel Bill Black (512) 463-7143
Director of Public Affairs Mia Hutchens (512) 463-7142
Executive Assistant Kathleen Hayden (512) 463-7141