Mariann H. Morelock

Last modified on: 10-06-2021 14:54:22

Strategic Initiatives and Performance Improvement
(Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Texas)

General Information

Personal Information

Morelock holds a bachelor’s degree in government from The University of Texas at Austin.

Before SIPI, Morelock had served as director of Communications and Governmental Relations since joining the agency in November 2014. She previously served as director for the Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee in the Texas House of Representatives. Other public service positions range from working at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee to serving as special assistant to the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives for four years, functioning as the primary contact for both legislators and constituents.

Contact and Phone Numbers

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Comm.:
  5806 Mesa Dr.
  P.O. Box 13127
  Austin, TX 78711-3127
(512) 206-3347
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