Alicia Lott Cowley
Last modified on: 01-06-2016 12:27:51
General Information
Profession: Retired RN Home Town: Goliad County
Personal Information
Alicia Lott Cowley, a retired Registered nurse and landowner of property along the San
Antonio River, was elected to represent Goliad County on the Board. As a SARA Director,
Cowley is proud to be carrying on the legacy of her father, John F. Lott, Jr., who served
on the Board from July 1961 to September 1965. Cowley, a community leader in Goliad,
works with the Goliad County Library’s Center for Texas History as well as the Goliad
Historical Commission. She is a 6th generation Texan involved in conservation projects
through the Goliad Farm Bureau and the Goliad County Wildlife Management Association
and is pleased to bring her passion of the San Antonio River to the Board.