Samuel G. "Sammy" Farias (R)

Last modified on: 12-20-2024 21:28:42

Board Member
(County and District Retirement System, Texas)

Entered Office: 06-21-2022 Term Ends: 12-31-2027

General Information

Home Town: Beeville

Personal Information

Samuel “Sammy” Farias of Beeville is the County Commissioner for Precinct 3. He is a licensed real estate broker and is the owner of Sammy’s Burger and Brew and Sambo Storage facilities. He is the first vice president of the South Texas Judges and Commissioners Association, a member of St. Joseph’s Church Finance Committee, and a former member of the Beeville Independent School District Building Committee and Bee Clean Committee. Farias received an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice from Coastal Bend College and completed other collegiate coursework at Texas State University.

Other Offices Held

County Commissioner (Bee)