The Honorable Wayne Christian (R)

Last modified on: 01-17-2023 22:25:45

(Railroad Commission of Texas)

Entered Office: 01-01-2017 Term Ends: 12-31-2028

General Information

Personal Information

Commissioner Christian graduated from high school as valedictorian, and went on to graduate from Stephen F. Austin State University with a B.B.A. in General Business in 1973. After college, Christian found success in the music industry with his country/gospel band, the Mercy River Boys and went on to be finalist for a Grammy Award in 1979. In 1987, Wayne Christian opened A financial services business and in 1996, was elected to the House of Representatives as the first Republican elected from Deep East Texas since Reconstruction after the Civil War. During his time in the House, Christian was a leader for the conservative renaissance in the State of Texas and successfully assisted in the fight to elect a Republican majority in the Texas Legislature.

Contact and Phone Numbers

1701 Congress Ave.
Austin, TX 78701
(512) 463-7131
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Office Office Holder Phone / Fax
Chief of Staff & General Counsel Jeremy Hagan (512) 463-8870
Director of Public Affairs Jordan Ballard (512) 463-7133