Rep. Carl O. Sherman Sr. (D)

Last modified on: 02-18-2021 21:46:02

Committee Member

General Information

Profession: Businessman and Pastor Home Town: DeSoto Birthdate: 06-13-1966 Spouse: Michelle

Personal Information

B.B.A. Northwood University

H-2019 to present.
Rep. Sherman was defeated in his bid for U.S. Senate in 2024.

Carl O. Sherman, Sr., a husband, father, businessman and civic leader, served two-terms as the Mayor of the All-America City of DeSoto, Texas. A man of strong religious faith, Sherman presently serves as a bi-vocational minister in the role of Senior Pastor for the Church of Christ in Hutchins, Texas. Sherman’s contributions to municipal governance began in 2003, when he chaired a successful $32 million dollar general obligation bond in the City of DeSoto. Sherman was later elected to the city council in 2006, serving as mayor pro tem in 2008 and 2009. In May 2010, he was elected as the first African American Mayor of DeSoto, and was re-elected in 2013.