The Honorable Dabney Bassel (R)

Last modified on: 12-27-2023 15:27:06

(Second Appellate District)

Entered Office: 01-01-2019 Term Ends: 12-31-2030 District: 5

General Information

Personal Information

B.A. History-Trinity University, 1979; J.D.- Baylor Law School, 1982

Justice Bassel grew up in San Antonio. He graduated from Texas Military Institute, Trinity University, and Baylor University School of Law.

After graduating from Baylor, Justice Bassel began his career by serving as the briefing attorney for Justice Ted Akin of the Fifth Court of Appeals. In 1984, he joined the Fort Worth firm of Law, Snakard, and Gambill, where he spent 20 years of his career handling civil litigation and appeals. Subsequently, he became of counsel with the firm of Bassel and Wilcox and then went into solo practice.

Office Information

Place 5

Contact and Phone Numbers

Second Appellate District
401 West Belknap, Suite 9000
Fort Worth, TX 76196
(817) 884-1900
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