Rex Gore

Last modified on: 05-05-2021 10:49:23

Public Member
(Educator Certification, State Board For)

Entered Office: 05-05-2021 Term Ends: 02-01-2027

General Information

Home Town: Austin

Personal Information

Rex Gore of Austin is President of PJS of Texas and cofounder of CleanScapes. He is a former board member of Building Owners and Managers Association, Real Estate Council of Austin, Austin Chamber of Commerce, and the Boy Scouts of America. He is a regional board member for IDEA Public Schools, member of the Texas Business Leadership Council Education Task Force. He is the co-founder and board member of PelotonU and former board chair of TCSA - Charter Schools Now C4 and Regents School of Austin. Gore received a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Economics and a Master of Business Administration from Kansas State University.