Kathy Boswell, BSN, RN
Last modified on: 08-28-2023 12:20:30
Entered Office: 08-10-2023
Term Ends: 01-31-2029
General Information
Home Town: Mineral Wells
Personal Information
Kathy Boswell of Mineral Wells is the Dean of Health and Human Sciences for Weatherford College, where she founded the college’s associate degree in nursing program in 2000. She is a member of the Texas Association of Deans and Directors of Professional Nursing Programs and Texas Association of Vocational Nurse Educators and a former member of the American Nursing Association. Additionally, she volunteers as the chairwoman of the City of Mineral Wells Parks and Recreation Board and for the American Red Cross Youth Swim Program. Boswell received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and a Master of Science from Texas Woman’s University.