John R. Rutherford

Last modified on: 06-29-2024 09:06:38

Board Member
(Teacher Retirement System of Texas)

Entered Office: 06-28-2024 Term Ends: 08-31-2029

General Information

Home Town: Houston

Personal Information

John R. Rutherford of Houston is retired and serves on the board of directors of the general partner of Enterprise Products Partners L.P. and TD Williamson. Previously, he served as a senior advisor to ECP GP and served in leadership roles at Plains All American Pipeline, Lazard Freres & Company, and Simmons & Company International. He is a board member of the Navy SEAL Foundation and The Kay Bailey Hutchison Energy Center Executive Council at the McCombs Business School of The University of Texas (UT) at Austin. In 2022, Governor Abbott appointed him to the Employees Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees. Rutherford received a Bachelor of Business Arts in Petroleum Land Management from UT Austin and a Master of Business Administration from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania.