Counties > Briscoe

General Information

Population: 1,423
County Seat: Silverton 79257
Square Mileage: 900

  P. O. Box 153
  Silverton, TX 79257
(806) 823-2131
(806) 823-2076
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Office Office Holder (806) Phone / Fax
County Judge The Honorable Rank Cogdell (806) 823-2131 / (806) 823-2076
District Attorney
  District 110
Emily Teegardin (806) 983-2197
County Attorney Taryn Minter, Pro Tem (806) 823-2132 / (806) 823-2076
District & County Clerk Amy Fuston (806) 823-2131 x2 / (806) 823-2076
County Treasurer Mary Jo Brannon (806) 823-2131 x4 / (806) 823-2076
Tax Assessor-Collector Jon Etta Ziegler (806) 823-2131 x6 / (806) 823-2076
Sheriff Garrett Davis (806) 823-2131 / (806) 823-2141
Chief Appraiser Theresa Clinton (806) 823-2161 / (806) 823-2161
Elections Administrator Amy Fuston (806) 823-2131 x2 / (806) 823-2076
County Commissioner:
  Precinct 1
Ross Estes (806) 292-8221 / (806) 823-2359
  Precinct 2 Jack Wellman (806) 269-0260 / (806) 823-2359
  Precinct 3 Danny Mac Francis (806) 292-2034 / (806) 823-2359
  Precinct 4 John Burson (806) 823-2020 / (806) 823-2359
Justice of the Peace:
  Precinct 1
G.J. "Gary" Walton (806) 823-2131 x7 / (806) 823-2076
  Precinct 2 Gilbert L. "Cotton" Elliott (806) 455-1508 / (806) 455-1225