Bena Glasscock

Last modified on: 12-29-2021 14:56:20

Board Member
(Educator Certification, State Board For)

Entered Office: 12-2021 Term Ends: 02-01-2027

General Information

Home Town: Adrian

Personal Information

Bena Glasscock, of Adrian is the Child Services Coordinator for Hereford Independent School District and serves as the campus coordinator for the Hereford Center for Accelerated Learning, the alternative high school program. She is a member and former president of the Texas School Counselor Association and a member of the Texas Counseling Association, Texas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, American School Counselor Association, Lone Star State School Counselor Association, and former campus coordinator for Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Ms. Glasscock received a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics, as Master of Education in Counseling from Tarleton Sate University, and a Principal Certification from West Texas A&M University.