Personal Information
BS-Rhodes College; JD-Texas Tech School of Law, 2001: MBA-Texas Tech 2004
Elected Speaker of the House of Representatives for the 89th Session, 1/14/25.
Speaker Burrows was born and raised in Lubbock, Texas, where he graduated from Monterey High School. While at Monterey, he was active in Future Farmers of America, showed pigs, and served as a livestock judge, sparking a passion for supporting agriculture and farming programs for youth.
Speaker Burrows attended college in Memphis, Tennessee, but his educational pursuits brought him back to his hometown where he earned two degrees from Texas Tech University and has remained a diehard Red Raider fan.
He was first elected to serve House District 83 in 2014. He previously chaired the Ways & Means Committee and sponsored the "Texas Property Tax Report and Transparency Act of 2019" which limited the increase of non-voter approved tax increases for cities and counties to 3.5%. Dustin was also the author of the "Texas Regulatory Consistency Act" in 2023, which restored regulatory authority to the state - rather than thousands of local governments - eliminating costly compliance burdens and fueling economic growth.
Most recently, Speaker Burrows has served as chair of the House Calendars Committee for the 87th and 88th legislative sessions. In March of 2024, he was appointed to the House Investigative Committee on the Panhandle Wildfires. In 2022, he was appointed by the Speaker of the Texas House to Chair the Uvalde shooting investigation. See links to full reports in the Media tab.
Other Offices Held
TX House Representative (Texas House of Representatives)
Co-Vice Chair (Preservation Board, State)
Speaker of the House (Legislative Reference Library)
Joint Chair (Legislative Budget Board)
Chair (Legislative Council, Texas)
Speaker of the House (Speaker of the House)
Joint Chair, Speaker of the House (Auditor's Office, State)